Evidence-Based Article

Physio Hub

~ Do Life Smart with Evidence ~
Your Trusted Source for Science-Backed Health and Fitness Guidance


Why Evidence?

In an age where misinformation can be widespread, we stand firm in our commitment to evidence-based practice. This means that all the information we provide is backed by scientific studies and research, ensuring that our readers receive the most accurate and helpful advice possible.

Accessing, scanning and condensing the evidence can be difficult, time consuming, and at times, expensive; that’s where we come in.

~ Featured ~

Building a Defined Chest Muscles

Building a Defined Chest Muscles

Did you know that obtaining a well-defined chest requires more than just hard work and dedication? For those who strive to build a strong chest, many find it challenging to obtain solid results despite vigorous exercise routines and countless reps in the gym.

Protein Powder – Is it Safe?

Protein Powder – Is it Safe?

In the realm of fitness and health, protein powder has emerged as a popular dietary supplement, widely acclaimed for its ability to augment lean body mass and sculpt a muscular physique.


Using science in fitness helps make workout plans safe, work well, and fit each person’s needs. It keeps things up-to-date with the latest health findings and makes sure trainers are trusted and knowledgeable, leading to better health results for everyone.

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In rehabilitation, a foundation in science ensures that treatments are safe, effective, and tailored to individual needs. This approach, grounded in proven research, aids in successful recovery, prevents further injury, and builds trust between patients and therapists, ultimately promoting faster and more effective healing.

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Health & Diet

In the health and diet, using science ensures that nutrition advice is safe, works well, and suits each person’s body. It helps professionals give accurate guidance based on solid research, clear up food myths, and guide people to make healthier choices, leading to better health and prevention of diseases.

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Muscle Model at Physio Hub

Muscle Evidence Hub

~ Don’t just work hard. Work Smart with Evidence ~

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We are here to provide the latest evidence on rehabilitation, fitness, health, and recovery in one location that is easy to understand and process.

Women Exercises on the computer screen
Dr. Ken

Dr. Ken Usui

Dr. Consuelo Pedro

Dr. Kevan Shergill

Dr. Antoinette Auguste

Dr. Diana Paiva