When Does Muscle Growth Happen After Exercise?
While every regimen has its benefits, no single program suits everyone’s goals. Here, based on the current evidence, we explain how muscles grow to help you build your own routine and achieve your unique goals.
BFR: Blood Flow Restriction Training
Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training is a type of training intended to enhance muscle growth and force. BFR training involves placing a band on the arm or leg, which acts as a tourniquet, to partially restrict the blood flow while performing an exercise.
Hypertrophy vs. Strength TrainingWhat’s the Difference?
Resistance training has several benefits, including boosting metabolism, improved weight control, and increased bone density. However, it can become confusing to determine the number of reps, sets, and type of load to use.
“Losing Belly Fat: A Science-Based Approach”
If you ever tried to hold your stomach in to hide that dreaded belly pouch, you are not alone.
Belly fat is a common issue for many adults. But why is belly fat so stubborn, and more importantly, how do you lose it?
Heavy Lifting for Teens ~ Separating Growth Myths from Facts ~
There are certain assumptions regarding children’s health that appear to pass down through the generations. A common misconception is that strength training and weightlifting should be avoided by children and teenagers because they may strain or damage their bone growth plates, which could result in restricted growth when they are 11, 13, or even 15.
Building a Defined Chest Muscles
Did you know that obtaining a well-defined chest requires more than just hard work and dedication? For those who strive to build a strong chest, many find it challenging to obtain solid results despite vigorous exercise routines and countless reps in the gym.