Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is the prime mover of abduction at hip joint. Beyond these hip movements, it significantly contributes to weight transfer and maintaining balance during ambulation.

Given its critical role in everyday activities like walking, running, and climbing stairs, any weakness in the gluteus medius can not only affect these activities but may also result in back pain.

Woman working on gluteus medius muscle
Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Medius



  • External surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines


  • Lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur



  • Adduct and medially rotate hip
  • Keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight-bearing
  • Advance opposite side during its swing phase

Clinical Relevance

Gluteus Medius Weakness/Inhibition

Gluteus medius muscle can get weakened or inhibited by trivial habits in your daily life:

      • Standing with body weight shifted mainly on one lower limb with the pelvis swayed sideways and hip joint adducted
      • Sleeping sideline with no billow in between two lower extremities will lead to the top leg flexed and adducted. over the other leg
      • Sitting with crossed legs for a long period of time will potentially weaken the hip abductor muscles by putting the muscle in a somewhat elongated position (beyond resting physiological length)


  • When glutes medius is weakened or inhibited, the body must try to compensate by other muscles to maintain frontal plane stability. Specifically, the activity of ipsilateral tensor fascia latae and contralateral quadratus lumborum will increase, causing these muscles to become tight and overactive, which could lead to knee and lumbar spine dysfunctions.

~ Evidence-Based Exercises ~

According to an EMG study, the exercises that demonstrated significant muscle contractions of Gluteus Medius are;

  • Single-Leg Squat
  • Side Plank
  • Single-Leg Deadlift

Single-Leg Squat

Man single leg squat

Side Plank

woman side plank

Single-Leg Deadlift

woman single leg deadlift

< Reference >